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gambar APC Smart-UPS RT On-Line SRTG5KXLI


Smart-UPS adalah rangkaian uninterruptible power supply (UPS) tingkat perusahaan yang dibuat oleh American Power Conversion (APC).[1] Sebagian besar unit memiliki SmartSlot (dengan pengecualian seri SC dan SMC) yang menerima kartu antarmuka opsional yang menyediakan fitur mulai dari konektivitas jaringan hingga pemantauan suhu dan kelembaban.[2] Dengan pengecualian seri RT dan SRT, unit Smart-UPS adalah sistem UPS line-interaktif, hanya menjalankan inverternya saat daya jaringan tidak tersedia.

Model APC Smart-UPS RT On-Line
Ada beberapa variasi berbeda dalam jajaran Smart-UPS.
1. Smart-UPS
Model standar, dengan output inverter gelombang sinus sejati. Kemudian dikenal dengan Smart-UPS SMT.
2. Smart-UPS SC
Versi Smart-UPS yang disederhanakan, berdasarkan arsitektur Back-UPS tanpa ekspansi SmartSlot dan dengan output gelombang sinus yang dimodifikasi. Ini tidak kompatibel dengan banyak catu daya PC PFC aktif.[3]
3. Smart-UPS SMC
Versi ekonomis dari Smart-UPS SMT, tanpa ekspansi SmartSlot dan dengan layar LCD yang disederhanakan. Ini menghasilkan gelombang sinus murni.
4. Smart-UPS XL
Seri “extended run”, dengan konektor Anderson Powerpole DC yang memungkinkan hingga 10 paket baterai eksternal dirangkai daisy-chain ke unit utama.
5. Smart-UPS RT, Smart-UPS SRT
Varian online/konversi ganda tidak memberikan penundaan peralihan selama kehilangan daya.
6. Smart-UPS VT
Menggunakan daya tiga fase, untuk instalasi yang lebih besar.

APC Smart-UPS RT On-Line 5 – 10kVA
Perlindungan daya yang ringkas, efisien, dan fleksibel untuk aplikasi bisnis.

Ideal untuk berbagai aplikasi, mulai dari ruang jaringan dan server hingga kantor cabang dan penggunaan daya yang aman, APC Smart-UPS RT On-Line yang baru menyediakan perlindungan daya online konversi ganda dengan kepadatan tinggi, runtime yang terukur, dan keterjangkauan tanpa mengorbankan kualitas. .

Smart-UPS On-Line mampu mendukung beban dari 5 – 10kVA dalam bentuk rak/menara yang fleksibel dan kompak. Ketika sistem bisnis memerlukan waktu proses dalam hitungan jam, bukan menit, Smart-UPS On-Line dapat dikonfigurasi dengan beberapa paket baterai untuk memenuhi tuntutan waktu proses yang agresif.

Smart-UPS RT On-Line tersedia dengan harga yang kompetitif, memberikan fitur dan nilai yang diperbarui kepada pelanggan dengan kondisi daya yang menuntut.

Itulah Kepastian di Dunia yang Terhubung.

Fitur Baru APC Smart-UPS RT Online

Model Rak dan Menara 5, 6, 8 & 10 kVA

– Faktor Daya Output Tinggi
Lebih banyak daya keluaran nyata dalam watt. Unity pada unit 5kVA – 10kVA.
– Efisiensi Tinggi “Mode Hijau”
Mencapai efisiensi lebih besar dari 98%, yang membantu menghemat biaya utilitas dan pendinginan tanpa mengorbankan kinerja atau keandalan.
– Layar LCD multi-warna
Antarmuka intuitif memberikan informasi rinci dan akurat dengan kemampuan untuk mengkonfigurasi secara lokal.
– Grup Outlet yang Dapat Dialihkan
Kemampuan untuk mengontrol sekelompok stopkontak independen dari UPS utama.
– Kartu Jaringan Pra-instal
Kemampuan untuk mengontrol sekelompok wadah
– Slot Pintar APC
Kemampuan untuk menambahkan aksesori APC untuk opsi komunikasi tambahan.
– Garansi tiga tahun untuk Elektronik
Tahun tambahan perlindungan garansi untuk elektronik memberikan ketenangan pikiran.
– Daya Mati Darurat (EPO)
Penutupan UPS jarak jauh jika terjadi keadaan darurat.
– Port Komunikasi
Serial, USB dan SmartSlot untuk kartu aksesori jaringan.

layar LCD
LCD yang intuitif dan mudah digunakan memberikan informasi yang jelas dan akurat dalam berbagai bahasa

Fitur standar APC Smart-UPS RT On-Line SRTG5KXLI

layar tampilan LCD
Secara akurat memberikan pembaruan status waktu nyata dalam pilihan menu dasar atau lanjutan Anda
– Status UPS (bergulir)
• Tegangan keluaran
• Tegangan masukan
• Frekuensi keluaran
• Waktu berjalan
• Memuat
• Kesehatan Baterai

– Kontrol
• Pengaturan grup UPS dan outlet
• Melewati kontrol

– Konfigurasi
• Tegangan keluaran, frekuensi
• Bahasa, kecerahan, kontras
• Alarm terdengar
• Alamat IP

– Tes dan diagnostik
• Mulai uji kalibrasi baterai dan waktu proses

– Tentang
• Nomor seri UPS, nomor komponen baterai
• Pemasangan baterai dan tanggal penggantian yang disarankan

Ecostructure IT Ready
Menghubungkan lingkungan TI hibrid untuk wawasan tingkat lanjut

Pemantauan vendor-netral berbasis cloud dengan EcoStruxure™ IT
EcoStruxure IT Expert memantau dan membantu melindungi peralatan bisnis Anda, memberikan visibilitas 24/7 melalui data langsung, alarm cerdas, dan wawasan berbasis data tentang kesehatan aset yang terhubung langsung ke Smartphone Anda.
Saat Anda meningkatkan ke EcoStruxure™ Asset Advisor, pemecahan masalah jarak jauh disediakan oleh para ahli yang memantau aset Anda yang terhubung 24×7.

– Layanan jarak jauh
Tingkatkan waktu aktif pusat data Anda dengan pemantauan 24×7 yang cerdas dan layanan pemecahan masalah jarak jauh.
– Analisis
Dapatkan wawasan tentang seberapa baik pusat data Anda berjalan — terima rekomendasi dan kecerdasan berbasis data.
– Wawasan seluler
Tetap terhubung ke pusat data Anda dengan data dan alarm langsung di aplikasi ponsel cerdas Anda.

Shutdown Jaringan PowerChute
Pengelolaan bawaan untuk unit UPS Anda
Shutdown beberapa perangkat secara virtual Perangkat lunak PowerChute™ Network Shutdown Edition menyediakan manajemen UPS, shutdown sistem, dan kemampuan pelaporan energi yang inovatif. Penggunaan energi, biaya dan CO2
pelaporan memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang energi yang dikonsumsi oleh peralatan TI, yang memungkinkan peningkatan efisiensi energi.
Fitur analisis lanjutan membantu mengidentifikasi penyebab potensi masalah terkait daya sebelum terjadi pada kesehatan peralatan Anda.

Fitur Shutdown Jaringan PowerChute:
• Shutdown berbasis jaringan yang anggun
• Shutdown server berurutan
• Integrasi dengan VMware dan Microsoft Hyper-V
• Dukungan untuk kluster virtual
• Migrasi / shutdown oleh mesin virtual
• Dukungan IPv6
• Prioritas mesin virtual
• Integrasi file perintah
• Dukungan UPS redundan dan paralel
• Pencatatan acara
• Komunikasi HTTPS
• Arsitektur yang dapat diskalakan untuk host sistem klien

Aksesoris Produk APC Smart-UPS RT On-Line SRTG5KXLI

– Paket Baterai
• SRTG192XLBP4: Baterai APC Smart-UPS RT 192V 5Ah (32 pcs x
– Kartrid Baterai Pengganti
• APCRBC170: Kartrid Baterai Pengganti APC #170
• APCRBC174:Kartrid Baterai Pengganti APC #174
– Kit Rel
• SRTGRK1: Kit Rel APC Smart-UPS RT 19” Untuk 5-20kVA

=== English ===

The Smart-UPS is a series of enterprise-level uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) made by American Power Conversion (APC).[1] Most of the units have a SmartSlot (with the exception of SC and SMC series) which accepts an optional interface card providing features ranging from network connectivity to temperature and humidity monitoring.[2] With the exception of RT and SRT series, Smart-UPS units are line-interactive UPS systems, only running their inverters when the grid power is unavailable.

Models APC Smart-UPS RT On-Line
There are a few different variations in the Smart-UPS lineup.
1. Smart-UPS
The standard model, with true sine-wave inverter output. Later known as the Smart-UPS SMT.
2. Smart-UPS SC
A simplified version of the Smart-UPS, based on Back-UPS architecture with no SmartSlot expansion and with modified sine wave output. It is incompatible with many active PFC PC power supplies.[3]
3. Smart-UPS SMC
An economy version of the Smart-UPS SMT, with no SmartSlot expansion and with a simplified LCD display. It outputs a pure sinewave.
4. Smart-UPS XL
An “extended run” series, with an Anderson Powerpole DC connector allowing up to 10 external battery packs to be daisy-chained to the main unit.
5. Smart-UPS RT, Smart-UPS SRT
An online/double-conversion variant providing no switchover delay during a power loss.
6. Smart-UPS VT
Uses three-phase power, for larger installations.

APC Smart-UPS RT On-Line 5 – 10kVA
Compact, efficient and flexible power protection for business applications.

Ideal for a range of applications, from network and server rooms to branch offices and secure power uses, the new APC Smart-UPS RT On-Line provides high-density, double-conversion online power protection, scalable runtime, and affordability without sacrificing quality.

Smart-UPS On-Line is capable of supporting loads from 5 – 10kVA in a flexible, compact rack/tower convertible form. When business systems require runtime in hours, not minutes, Smart-UPS On-Line can be configured with multiple battery packs to meet aggressive runtime demands.

Smart-UPS RT On-Line is available at a competitive price, providing refreshed features and value to customers with demanding power conditions.

That’s Certainty in a Connected World.

APC Smart-UPS RT On-Line New Features
Rackmount and Tower Models 5, 6, 8 & 10 kVA

– High Output Power Factor
More real output power in watts. Unity on 5kVA – 10kVA units.
– High Efficiency “Green Mode”
Achieves efficiency greater than 98%, which helps save utility and cooling costs without compromising performance or reliability.
– Multi-color LCD Display
Intuitive interface provides detailed and accurate information with the ability to configure locally.
– Switchable Outlet Groups
Ability to control a group of receptacles independent from the main UPS.
– Pre-installed Network Card
Ability to control a group of receptacles
– APC Smart-Slot
Ability to add APC accessories for additional communication options.
– Three-year Warranty on Electronics
Additional year of warranty protection for electronics provides peace of mind.
– Emergency Power Off (EPO)
Remote UPS shutoff in the event of an emergency.
– Communication Ports
Serial, USB and SmartSlot for network accessory cards.

LCD display
Intuitive, easy-to-use LCD provides clear and accurate information
in multiple languages

Standard features APC Smart-UPS RT On-Line SRTG5KXLI

LCD display screen
Accurately provides real-time status updates in your choice of basic or advanced menus
– UPS status (scrolling)
• Output voltage
• Input voltage
• Output frequency
• Run time
• Load
• Battery Health

– Control
• UPS and outlet group settings
• Bypass control

– Configuration
• Output voltage, frequency
• Language, brightness, contrast
• Audible alarm
• IP address

– Test and diagnostics
• Initiate battery and runtime calibration tests

– About
• UPS serial number, battery part number
• Battery install and suggested replacement dates

Ecostruxure IT Ready
Connecting hybrid IT environments for advanced insights

Cloud-based vendor-neutral monitoring with EcoStruxure™ IT
EcoStruxure IT Expert monitors and helps to protect your business equipment, providing 24/7 visibility through live data, smart alarming and data-driven insights on the health of your connected assets directly to your Smartphone.
When you upgrade to EcoStruxure™ Asset Advisor, remote troubleshooting is provided by the experts monitoring your connected assets 24×7.

– Remote service
Increase your data center’s uptime with intelligent 24×7 monitoring and remote troubleshooting service.
– Analytics
Gain insight into how well your data center runs — receive recommendations and data-driven intelligence.
– Mobile insights
Stay connected to your data center with live data and alarms on your smartphone app.

PowerChute Network Shutdown
Built-in manageability for your UPS unit
Virtualized shutdown of multiple devices PowerChute™ Network Shutdown Edition software provides UPS management, system shutdown and innovative energy reporting capabilities. Energy usage, cost and CO2
reporting provides a greater understanding of the energy consumed by IT equipment, enabling improved energy efficiency.
Advanced analysis features help to identify the causes of potential power-related problems before they occur for the health of your equipment.

PowerChute Network Shutdown Features:
• Graceful network-based shutdown
• Sequenced server shutdown
• Integration with VMware and Microsoft Hyper-V
• Support for virtual clusters
• Migration / shutdown by virtual machine
• IPv6 support
• Virtual machine prioritization
• Command file integration
• Redundant and parallel UPS support
• Event logging
• HTTPS communications
• Scalable architecture for host of client system

Product Accessories APC Smart-UPS RT On-Line SRTG5KXLI

– Battery Packs
• SRTG192XLBP4: APC Smart-UPS RT 192V 5Ah Battery Pack (32 pcs x
– Replacement Battery Cartridges
• APCRBC170: APC Replacement Battery Cartridge #170
• APCRBC174:APC Replacement Battery Cartridge #174
– Rail Kits
• SRTGRK1: APC Smart-UPS RT 19” Rail Kit For 5-20kVA

Specifications APC Smart-UPS RT On-Line SRTG5KXLI

Output power factor : Unity
Nominal output voltage : 220 / 230 (default) / 240V
Output frequency : 50/60 Hz ± 4 Hz (auto sense) / 50/60 Hz ± 0.1 Hz (battery mode)
Topology : Double Conversion On-Line
Online efficiency at full load (typical) : >93.5%
Green mode efficiency at full load (typical) : >98%
Output connections : Terminal block, 2 x IEC C13 (SOG) , 1 x IEC C19

Nominal input voltage : 220/230/240VAC (user selectable)
Input voltage range at full load : 160 – 285 Vac
Input frequency range : 40 – 70 HZ
Input connection : Hardwire 3-wire (1PH + N + G)

Battery type : Leak proof Sealed Maintenance Free Valve Regulated Lead Acid Battery.
Typical backup time at ½ load (min.) : 11
Typical backup time at full load (min.) : 3.6
Nominal DC voltage : ± 96Vdc
User battery replaceable : Yes

Communication and management
Interface ports : Serial (RJ45), USB (Type B) and Smart-Slot (pre-installed with A9641 includes ethernet port)
Control panel : Multi-color LCD with 5 front panel buttons (320 x 240 pixel display)
Emergency Power Off (EPO) : ✓

Unit dimensions (W x H x D) (mm) : 440 x 620 x 175 mm
Unit weight : 51.8 kg

Noise level : 55dB max.
Operating Temperature : 0 – 40 ºC (40ºC~50ºC, derating, 75%~100%; -20 degree can start UPS)
Humidity : 0 – 95% (non-condensing)

Regulatory approvals : CE/CB
Warranty : 3 years for electronics, 2 years for battery

Important Keys :
APC Smart-UPS RT On-Line, SRTG5KXLI, jual APC Smart-UPS RT On-Line SRTG5KXLI, harga APC Smart-UPS RT On-Line SRTG5KXLI, beli APC Smart-UPS RT On-Line SRTG5KXLI,

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