APC Galaxy VS UPS 80kW 400V SKU: GVSUPS80KRHS Galaxy VS UPS 80kW 400V with N+1 power module for external batteries, Start-up 5×8 Features Galaxy VS is a highly efficient, modular, easy-to-deploy 20 to 150 kW (480 V), 10 to 150 kW (400 V), and 10 to 75 kW (208 V),...
Classic Battery Cabinet APC Easy UPS 3-Phase SKU: GVSCBC10A2 Battery Breaker Box, two 630A DC breakers, for Galaxy VS/VL, Easy UPS 3-Phase Modular, and Easy UPS 3M Advanced Description Wall mounted battery breaker box for use with third party battery solutions....
Easy UPS 3-Phase Modular, and Easy UPS 3M Advanced SKU: GVBBB630EL-2CB Battery Breaker Box, two 630A DC breakers, for Galaxy VS/VL, Easy UPS 3-Phase Modular, and Easy UPS 3M Advanced Description Wall mounted battery breaker box for use with third party battery...