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rocscience RSPile

Analisis Tumpukan 3D

Analisis Tumpukan Lateral & Aksial
Lakukan analisis lateral & aksial berbagai tiang dengan fleksibilitas untuk merancang tiang dengan beberapa bagian dan memodelkan lapisan tanah yang kompleks menggunakan lubang bor.

Analisis Tumpukan Kapasitas
Menganalisis Beban dan Daya Dukung dari tiang pancang dan tiang bor. Metode analisis tiang pancang didasarkan pada perangkat lunak Federal Highway “Driven”. Analisis tiang bor dengan beberapa metode yang tersedia untuk tanah tanpa kohesi, tanah kohesif, dan batuan lemah.

Analisis Tiang Berkelompok
Menganalisis sekelompok tumpukan dihubungkan oleh topi. Rancang model kompleks kelompok tiang di mana setiap tiang dapat menjadi jenis tiang yang berbeda, terdiri dari beberapa bagian.

RSPile di seluruh Aplikasi:
1. Desain Pondasi
Model pondasi tiang pancang dan analisis responsnya terhadap berbagai beban.
2. Dukungan Lereng
Desain tumpuan tiang, yang kemudian dapat digunakan di Slide2 untuk menyelidiki pengaruhnya terhadap stabilitas lereng batuan atau lereng tanah.

RSPile terintegrasi dengan mulus dengan:

Rancang tumpukan di RSPile dan gunakan dalam model Anda di Slide2.

Jelajahi fitur terbaru di RSPile
1. Jenis Tumpukan Baru
Sekarang Anda memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat tumpukan melingkar, persegi panjang, atau bahkan berlekuk dengan beberapa bagian berbeda dengan properti unik.
2. Hasil Analisis Bosan Baru
Hasil Perlawanan Unit Gesekan Kulit dan Perlawanan Unit Bantalan Akhir sekarang tersedia untuk Analisis Tiang Bosan.
3. Antarmuka Pengguna Baru
UI RSPile yang diperbarui memungkinkan Anda melihat pola penguatan yang ditentukan dalam perancang beton.

rocscience – Didirikan pada tahun 1996, Rocscience adalah pemimpin dunia dalam mengembangkan perangkat lunak 2D dan 3D untuk insinyur sipil, pertambangan, dan geoteknik. Sebagai insinyur, kami tahu pentingnya memiliki perangkat lunak yang andal dan mudah digunakan. Itulah sebabnya kami terus-menerus kembangkan dan sempurnakan program kami untuk membuat solusi ahli yang sesuai untuk Anda.”

1. Apa perbedaan antara lisensi pribadi dan fleksibel?
Lisensi Personal adalah pilihan terbaik untuk kantor kecil di mana perangkat lunak Anda hanya perlu digunakan di satu komputer. Lisensi Pribadi dikunci dengan simpul dan dapat diinstal hanya pada satu perangkat, dan tidak dapat diakses melalui koneksi desktop jarak jauh.

Lisensi Fleksibel adalah yang terbaik untuk kantor yang lebih besar atau untuk perusahaan yang memiliki banyak pengguna yang berbagi lisensi perangkat lunak melalui server mereka. Perangkat lunak ini dapat diinstal pada sejumlah komputer dan jumlah pengguna bersamaan sesuai dengan jumlah lisensi yang dibeli. Pengguna mengakses file lisensi di server, tetapi perangkat lunak berjalan dari komputer pengguna.

2. Apakah saya harus memilih lisensi Perpetual atau Sewa?
Untuk memiliki atau menyewa? Pertanyaannya adalah untuk lebih dari sekedar mobil. Kami dengan senang hati menawarkan paket Perpetual dan Sewa untuk perangkat lunak Anda. Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang perbedaan dan manfaat dari setiap paket saat Anda memilah mana yang tepat untuk Anda.

Perpetual adalah paket kami yang paling populer: ini adalah paket yang kami tawarkan sejak perangkat lunak pertama yang kami jual. Dengan Perpetual, Anda akan membeli perangkat lunak secara langsung dan Anda akan memiliki versi lisensi tersebut selamanya, bahkan jika Anda berhenti berlangganan Maintenance+. Agar perangkat lunak Anda tetap mutakhir dengan fitur-fitur baru yang berkelanjutan dan dengan dukungan teknis, kami sangat menyarankan untuk memasangkan paket Perpetual Anda dengan Maintenance+ untuk mendapatkan nilai maksimal dari investasi Anda. Semua lisensi Perpetual baru termasuk tahun pertama Maintenance+.

Saat Anda Menyewakan perangkat lunak Anda, Anda berlangganan untuk menggunakan perangkat lunak tersebut setiap tahun. Anda akan memiliki akses penuh ke perangkat lunak, dukungan teknis, dan fitur baru yang berkelanjutan, semuanya jauh lebih murah daripada biaya lisensi Perpetual. Namun, begitu Anda berhenti membayar sewa, Anda tidak akan memiliki akses ke perangkat lunak lagi.


rocscience RSPile 3D Pile Analysis

Lateral & Axial Pile Analysis
Carry out lateral & axial analyses of various piles with the flexibility to design piles with multiple sections and model complex soil strata using boreholes.

Capacity Pile Analysis
Analyze Load and Bearing Capacity of both Driven and Bored piles. Driven pile analysis methods are based on Federal Highway software “Driven.” Bored pile analysis with several methods available for cohesionless soils, cohesive soils, and weak rock.

Grouped Pile Analysis
Analyze a group of piles connected by a cap. Design complex models of pile groups where each pile can be a different pile type, consisting of multiple sections.

RSPile across Applications :
1. Foundation Design
Model pile foundations and analyze their response under various loads.
2. Slope Support
Design pile supports, which can then be used in Slide2 to investigate their effects on the stability of rock slopes or soil slopes.

RSPile seamlessly integrates with :

Design piles in RSPile and use them in your models in Slide2.

Explore the latest features in RSPile
1. New Pile Types
Now you have the capability to create circular, rectangular, or even belled piles with multiple different sections with unique properties.
2. New Bored Analysis Results
Skin Friction Unit Resistance and End Bearing Unit Resistance results are now available for Bored Pile Analysis.
3. New User Interface
RSPile’s updated UI allows you to see the reinforcement pattern that is defined in the concrete designer.

Technical Specifications RSPile

Axial Capacity of Driven Piles
Adhesion types :
– Adhesion for cohesive soils
– Piles driven through soft clay
– Piles driven through overlying
– Sands or sandy gravel
– Piles without different strata
– User-defined adhesion

Calculated capacities :
– Restrike, driving, ultimate

Design considerations :
– Long and short-term scour
– Soft compressible soils
– Negative skin friction

Non-tapered pile types :
– Pipe—open and closed end
– Concrete
– H-Pile

Soil materials :
– Cohesive / cohesionless

Tapered pile types :
– Timber
– Raymond uniform taper
– Monotube

Axially Loaded Piles
Axial resistance analysis :
– Max allowable axial displacement
– Ultimate axial resistance

Pile top loading :
– Axial

Pile Types :
– Cylindrical
– Rectangular
– Pipe
– Common sections
– Tapered or non-tapered
– Reinforced concrete
– Prestressed concrete
– Elastic or plastic

Soil materials :
– Elastic
– API sand
– API clay
– User-defined
– Drilled clay
– Drilled sand
– Coyle Reese Clay (driven)
– Mosher Sand

Laterally Loaded Piles
Additional loading :
– Loading by lateral soil movement
– Transition zone for sliding soil in lateral resistance function
– Lateral resistance function (multiple soil movement cases)

Advanced computation options :
– Stiffness matrix calculator
– Pushover analysis
– Pile length vs top deflection

Group analysis :
– Cap designer
– Radial, rectangular, custom patterns

Pile toe loading :
– Shear resistance
– Lateral resistance analysis
– Max allowable lateral displacement
– Ultimate lateral resistance

Pile top loading :
– Moment in X and Y
– Shear in X and Y
– Slope in X and Y
– Rotational stiffness in X and Y
– Deflection in X and Y
– Axial load
– Define any combination of loading
– LRFD combinations

Pile types :
– Cylindrical
– Rectangular
– Pipe
– Typical sections
– Elastic and plastic
– Reinforced concrete
– Prestressed concrete
– Pile with casing/core
– Tapered or non-tapered

Soil materials :
– Elastic
– Soft clay soil
– Submerged stiff clay
– Dry stiff clay
– Sand
– Weak rock
– User-defined
– API method for sand
– Loess
– Liquefied sand
– Piedmont residual soils
– Strong rock (vuggy limestone)
– Modified stiff clay without free water
– Silt (cemented C-Phi soil)
– Soft clay with user defined J
– Hybrid liquefied sand
– Massive rock

Output :
– Displacement X and Y
– Rotation X and Y
– Beam shear force X and Y
– Beam moment XY and YZ
– Soil reaction force X and Y
– Soil stiffness X and Y
– P-Y curves with depth
– Use any input parameters as random variables

Model Definition
– Boreholes to define stratigraphy
– Definition of multiple and pattern piles

Additional Features
– Full 3D FEM pile engine
– P-Y modification factors
– T-Z modification factors
– Q-Z modification factors
– Static and cyclic loading options
– Integration with Slide2
– Export to Slide2
– Export to Excel
– Info Viewer

rocscience – Founded in 1996, Rocscience is a world leader in developing 2D and 3D software for civil, mining, and geotechnical engineers. As engineers ourselves, we know the importance of having reliable and easy-to-use software. That’s why we constantly develop and refine our programs to make expert solutions that work for you.”

1. What is the difference between personal and flexible license?
The Personal license is the best choice for a small office where your software needs to be used on only one computer. The Personal license is node-locked and can be installed on just one device, and cannot be accessed through a remote desktop connection.

The Flexible license is best for a larger office or for companies that have multiple users sharing software licensing through their server. The software can be installed on any number of computers and the number of concurrent users is respective to the number of licenses purchased. The users access the license file on the server, but the software runs from the user’s computer.

2. Should I choose a Perpetual or Lease license?
To own or to lease? The question is for more than just cars. We’re happy to offer both Perpetual and Lease plans for your software. Learn more about the differences and benefits of each plan while you sort out which one is right for you.

Perpetual is our most popular plan: it’s the one we’ve offered since the very first software we ever sold. With Perpetual, you’ll purchase your software outright and you’ll own that version of your license in perpetuity, even if you stop subscribing to Maintenance+. To keep your software up to date with continuous new features and with technical support, we highly recommend pairing your Perpetual plan with Maintenance+ to get the most value out of your investment. All new Perpetual licenses include the first year of Maintenance+.

When you Lease your software, you’re subscribing to use the software on an annual basis. You’ll have full access to the software, technical support, and continuous new features, all for much less than the cost of a Perpetual license. However, once you stop paying for your lease, you won’t have access to the software anymore.

RSPile Plans :
A. Personal
1. Perpetual – One-time purchase
– Own the version of your license in perpetuity
– Maintenance+ subscription included in first year
– Install on one computer

2. Lease – Ongoing subscription
– Maintenance+ subscription
– Ongoing bug fixes
– Continuous new features
– Install on one computer

B. Flexible
1. Perpetual – One-time purchase
– Own the version of your license in perpetuity
– Maintenance+ subscription included in first year
– Access on multiple computers

2. Lease – Ongoing subscription
– Maintenance+ subscription
– Ongoing bug fixes
– Continuous new features
– Access on multiple computers

Important Keys :
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