APC Easy UPS On-Line 230V
Untuk profesional TI di bisnis kecil dan menengah, APCTM Easy UPS On-lineTM memberikan perlindungan daya tingkat lanjut dalam kondisi daya yang tidak stabil, memastikan konektivitas yang konsisten dan andal.
APC Easy UPS On-line adalah UPS yang serbaguna, berkualitas tinggi, dan hemat biaya, dikembangkan untuk menangani rentang tegangan input yang lebar dan kondisi daya yang tidak konsisten, memberikan daya berkualitas kepada jutaan profesional TI di seluruh dunia.
Itulah Kepastian di Dunia yang Terhubung.
Fitur dan aplikasi standar APC Easy UPS On-Line
UPS Mudah On-Line 1000-3000VA
Model Menara
Baterai built-in untuk Plug-and-Play akan memberikan daya cadangan baterai standar untuk peralatan terhubung yang cocok untuk instalasi kompak di mana pemasangan di lantai atau meja diperlukan.
Model Rackmount
Baterai internal untuk Plug-and-Play akan menyediakan daya cadangan baterai standar untuk peralatan terhubung yang cocok untuk pemasangan rak standar 19 inci yang hanya menempati ruang rak 2U.
Fitur standar
Konversi ganda online sejati
Memastikan catu daya yang bersih dan andal untuk beban penting dari pemadaman listrik, gangguan saluran, transien tegangan, dan pemadaman listrik.
Faktor Daya Tinggi
Faktor daya keluaran hingga 0,9 Memberi daya lebih banyak server daripada UPS serupa dengan peringkat VA setara dengan faktor daya lebih rendah.
Kompatibel dengan generator
Kompatibel dengan generator dengan rentang Frekuensi Input yang lebar (40Hz–70Hz) memastikan daya yang bersih dan tidak terputus ke beban selama pemadaman listrik.
Efisiensi tinggi
Efisiensi hingga 88-90% dalam mode konversi ganda online dan 93 – 94% dalam mode ECO yang menghemat biaya utilitas dan pendinginan tanpa mengurangi kinerja atau keandalan.
Ramah Lingkungan
Dilapisi konformal untuk membantu melindungi komponen dari elemen, termasuk kelembaban, debu, dan suhu ekstrem.
Kemampuan Mulai Dingin
Memungkinkan pengguna untuk menyalakan peralatan yang terhubung pada mode baterai saat daya utilitas tidak tersedia.
Garansi 2 tahun untuk UPS
Garansi komprehensif untuk elektronik dan fungsionalitas baterai memberikan ketenangan pikiran. Jika terjadi kesalahan atau kesalahan yang tidak terduga, produk Anda akan diperbaiki atau diganti dengan cepat.
Rentang Tegangan Input Lebar
1-3kVA – 120-280VAC, Bekerja dalam kondisi daya yang tidak stabil dan meminimalkan transfer ke baterai.
Antarmuka intuitif memberikan informasi rinci dan akurat tentang status UPS dengan kemampuan untuk mengkonfigurasi secara lokal.
Bypass Otomatis bawaan
Memastikan daya yang mulus ke beban bahkan jika terjadi kesalahan atau kesalahan internal UPS yang terdeteksi.
Daya Mati Darurat (EPO)
Penutupan UPS jarak jauh jika terjadi kebakaran atau keadaan darurat lainnya. UPS dapat menerima kontak yang biasanya tertutup (NC).
Sangat cocok di Aplikasikasikan untuk :
• Pusat data kecil dan ruang komputer
• Fasilitas pabrik
• Telekomunikasi
• TI Kesehatan
• Perangkat Penyimpanan Jaringan
====== English ========
For IT professionals in small to medium businesses, APCTM Easy UPS On-lineTM provides advanced power protection in unstable power conditions, ensuring consistent and reliable connectivity.
APC Easy UPS On-line is a versatile, high quality, cost-competitive UPS, developed to handle a wide input voltage range and inconsistent power conditions, delivering quality power to millions of IT professionals around the world.
That’s Certainty in a Connected World.
APC Easy UPS On-Line standard features and applications
Easy UPS On-Line 1000-3000VA
Tower Models
Built-in batteries for Plug-and-Play will provide a standard battery backup power for the connected equipment suitable for compact installations where floor or desk mount is required.
Rackmount Models
Built-in batteries for Plug-and-Play will provide a standard battery backup power for the connected equipment suitable for standard 19-inch rack installation which occupies only 2U rack space.
Standard Features
True online double-conversion
Ensures clean, reliable power supply to essential loads from brownouts, line noise, voltage transients and power outages.
High Power Factor
Output power factor up to 0.9 Powers more servers than similar UPSs with equivalent VA ratings with lower power factors.
Generator Compatible
Generator-compatible with a wide Input Frequency range (40Hz–70Hz) ensures clean, uninterrupted power to the loads during power outage.
High Efficiency
Up to 88-90% efficiency in online double conversion mode and 93 – 94% in ECO mode which saves utility and cooling costs without compromising performance or reliability.
Environmentally Robust
Conformal coated to help protect the components from the elements, including moisture, dust and extreme temperatures.
Cold Start Capability
Enables user to power up connected equipment’s on battery mode when utility power is not available.
2 year warranty on UPS
Comprehensive warranty for electronics and battery functionality provides peace of mind. In an unlikely event of a detected fault or error, your product will be repaired or replaced quickly.
Wide Input Voltage Range
1-3kVA – 120-280VAC, Works in unstable power conditions and minimizes transfer to battery.
LCD/LED Display
Intuitive interface provides detailed and accurate information about UPS status with ability to configure locally.
Built-in Automatic Bypass
Ensures seamless power to the load even in the event of UPS internal detected fault or error.
Emergency Power Off (EPO)
Remote UPS shutoff in the event of a fire or other emergency. The UPS can accept normally closed (NC) contacts.
Typical applications
• Small data centers and computer rooms
• Manufacturing facilities
• Telecommunication
• Healthcare IT
• Network Storage Devices
Easy UPS On-Line Accessories
1. Management card
– APV9601APV9601: SNMP card for remote management and control of UPS
– VGL9901IVGL9901I: Dry contact card to monitor external triggers and initiate actions
– SRVSMB001SRVSMB001: Modbus card for communication with PCs through MODBUS protocol
2. Rail kit
– SRVRK1: 700 mm depth rail kit.Can support rack mount installation for standard 19 inch rack equipment with maximum weight of 60 kgs
– SRVRK2SRVRK2: 900 mm depth rail kit. Can support rack mount installation for standard 19 inch rack equipment with maximum weight of 100 kgs
Runtime estimates at %load (minutes)
Runtime in the table are approximate only. All measurements taken with new, fully charged batteries, at typical environmental conditions, with no electrical input and balanced resistive load (PF = 1.0) output.
Standard Tower Models – SKU technical specifications
Spesifikasi UPS APC SRV2KI-E
Power rating (VA/Watt) : 2000VA/1800W
Nominal input voltage : 230V
Input voltage range at full load (half load) : 180 – 285 V (110 – 285 V)
Input frequency : 40-70 Hz auto-selecting
Input connection : IEC 60320 C14
Nominal output voltage 2: 30V (220V, 240V user selectable)
Output frequency : 50/60 Hz ± 3 Hz (On Mains) 50/60 Hz ± 0.1 Hz (On Battery)
Topology : Double-conversion online
Waveform type : Pure sinewave
Effciency: Double conversion mode (typical) : Upto 88% / Upto 90%
Efficiency: ECO mode (typical) : Upto 94%
Output connections : (4) IEC 320 C13
Battery and Runtime*
Battery type : Maintenance free sealed lead-acid battery with suspended electrolyte, leak proof
Battery capacity : 12V 9Ah x 4
Battery voltage : 48V
Typical recharge time : 4 hours to recover 90% of capacity
Runtime at half load (mins) : 10
Runtime at full load (mins) : 3
Communications and management
Interface ports : Serial RS-232, USB (type B), Intelligent Smart-Slot
Control panel : LED indicators, multi-function LCD, status and display console
Emergency power off (EPO) : Yes (NC contacts)
Dimensions W x H x D (mm) : 145 x 238 x 400
Net weight (kg) : 17
Color : RAL7010
Operating temperature : 0°C to 40°C
Relative humidity : 0 to 95% non-condensing
Operating elevation : 0 to 1,000m at100% load
Audible noise at 1m from unit : Less than 50dB
Protection class : IP 20
Regulatory approvals : CE, UKCA, TISI, IEC 62040-1,IEC 62040-2
Standard warranty : 2 years repair or replace
Important Keys :
Trouble shoot UPS APC SRV2KI-E, service center UPS APC SRV2KI-E,