Deskripsi dan Spesifikasi APC MGE Galaxy 5500 – UPS APC – APC Indonesia
MGE Galaxy 5500 3 Phase UPS – APC Indonesia
UPS 20-120kVA, Memberikan perlindungan daya UPS 3 fase yang dirancang untuk memenuhi berbagai persyaratan, mulai dari pusat data menengah industrial, hingga fasilitas aplikasi.
20kVA hingga 120kVA
Galaxy 5500 adalah yang terbaru dalam sistem manajemen daya UPS 3 Phase yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan keandalan.
Teknologi On-line sepenuhnya mengisolasi dan melindungi terhadap semua gangguan kualitas daya bahkan di lingkungan yang paling menuntut sekalipun.
Efisiensi tinggi dalam mode konversi ganda atau ECO Mode yang mampu menghemat biaya energi yang berharga dan berbagai opsi yang komprehensif, memungkinkan Galaxy 5500 menjadi sangat efektif dalam aplikasi apa pun.
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Performa listrik keluaran sepenuhnya selaras dengan persyaratan beban terbaru hari ini, yang mencakup manajemen harmonik hulu untuk pemasangan yang ramah dan konfigurasi yang fleksibel karena berbagai pilihan terintegrasi dan peralatan bantu.
Akses depan penuh memungkinkan untuk menghemat ruang, tampilan grafis yang ramah pengguna dengan beberapa pilihan bahasa, dan kartu manajemen daya berbasis jaringan SNMP yang semuanya memiliki standar mutu yang ketat.
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Semua fitur ini menjadikan Galaxy 5500 salah satu UPS termudah di kelasnya untuk dikelola dan dirawat.
Fitur Dan Manfaat MGE Galaxy 5500
Features MGE Galaxy 5500
20kVA to 120kVA
Galaxy 5500 is the latest in advanced 3 Phase UPS power management systems, engineered to increase performance and reliability. On-line technology fully isolates and protects against all power quality disturbances in even the most demanding environments. High efficiency in double conversion or ECO mode saves valuable energy costs and a comprehensive range of options enables the Galaxy 5500 to be highly effective in any application. The output electrical performances are fully aligned with today’s latest load requirements that include upstream harmonics management for a generator friendly installation and flexible configurations due to the wide range of integrated options and auxiliary equipment. Full front access allows for a space saving footprint, user friendly graphical display with multiple language options, and an SNMP network based power management card that all ship standard. All these features make the Galaxy 5500 one of the easiest UPS’s in its class to manage and maintain.
Benefits MGE Galaxy 5500
– Advanced electrical features – Excellent power conditioning, very low harmonic distortion through IGBT rectifier, input power factor correction, and high power efficiency
– Dual mains input – Increases availability by allowing the UPS to be connected to two separate power sources.
– Frequency and voltage regulation – Gives higher application availability by correcting poor frequency and voltage conditions without using the battery.
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– Parallel-capacity capable – Increases total power capacity by using multiple uninterruptible power supplies simultaneously.
– Parallel-redundant capable – Power the connected equipment with multiple uninterruptible power supplies to increase system redundancy
– Integrates with StruxureWare Central – An IT-ready, scalable access monitoring system that collects, organizes, and distributes critical alerts, surveillance video and key information, providing a unified view of complex physical infrastructure environments from anywhere on the network
– LCD graphics display – Text and mimic diagrams that display modes of operation, system parameters and alarms.
– LED Indicators – Provide easy-to-read status of the unit and utility power conditions.
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– Network management capability – Full-featured network management interfaces that provide standards-based management via Web, SNMP, and Telnet.
– Flexible Design – Available in a wide range of configurations to suit any operating environment
Total cost of Ownership
– ECO Mode – Operating mode that by-passes unused electrical components in good power conditions to achieve high operating efficiency without sacrificing protection
– Input power factor correction – Minimizes installation costs by enabling the use of smaller generators and cabling.
– Predicitive failure notification – Provides early-warning fault analysis ensuring proactive component replacement.
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– Wide input voltage range – Designed for harsh electrical environments to save battery life.
– Front-access servicing – Simplifies installation and UPS maintenance while minimizing space requirements.
– Multiple levels of service – With the option of packages or individual service components, our services are structured to allow you to pick and choose what you would like APC to do for you.
– Technical support – Our experienced technical support engineers are available to answer your questions, giving you peace of mind knowing the help you need is there when you need it.