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gambar GXT4-3000RT230

Vertiv Liebert GXT4-3000RT230 On-Line 3000VA 230V LCD – Spesifikasi Dan Harga

Liebert GXT4 On-Line 3000VA 230V LCD PF0.9 2U Extended Run Rack/Tower Multilink® Software, Kit Rel Dibundel

UPS GXT4 700VA – 3kVA
Perlindungan UPS yang Cerdas dan Andal

Liebert® GXT4 adalah UPS on-line sejati yang memberikan daya AC listrik berkualitas tinggi, terus menerus ke peralatan yang terhubung tanpa gangguan saat mentransfer ke baterai. Ini melindungi peralatan dari semua gangguan listrik, akibat pemadaman listrik, pemadaman, penurunan, lonjakan atau gangguan kebisingan.

Untuk perlindungan UPS yang kuat hingga 3kVA, UPS Liebert GXT4 menyediakan fitur terdepan di industri dengan desain yang ringkas:
– Desain online berarti nol waktu transfer. Saat listrik padam, beban kritis Anda tetap didukung oleh aliran daya yang lancar tanpa terputus.
– Mode Eco Aktif memberikan efisiensi terbaik di kelasnya hingga 97% tanpa mengorbankan ketersediaan.
– Daya yang dapat dikontrol ke beberapa perangkat melalui dua pasang outlet yang dapat diprogram secara independen.
– Peringkat Bersertifikat ENERGY® STAR.
– Antarmuka LCD dengan warna yang intuitif
– Baterai hot-swappable yang dapat diganti oleh pengguna.
– Array aksesori bernilai tambah yang dibundel dengan unit standar.

Membawa Keahlian TI Tingkat Perusahaan kami ke UKM Anda
Vertiv menawarkan rangkaian lengkap solusi perlindungan daya yang cocok untuk setiap kebutuhan atau skenario. Dari komputasi desktop, peralatan jaringan, ruang komputer hingga pusat data berskala besar. kami memastikan Anda mendapatkan tingkat perlindungan yang sama seperti yang dinikmati perusahaan Fortune 500 dengan Vertiv. Ini adalah cara kami untuk membawa keahlian TI Tingkat Perusahaan ke UKM Anda.
A. Desktop
– Liebert PSP
-Liebert PSA

B. Jaringan/Ruang Komputer
-Liebert PSI
– Liebert GXT4
– Liebert ITA

C. Pusat Data
– Liebert ITA
– Liebert NX
-Liebert APM

UPS Liebert® GXT4 mungkin hanya memerlukan ruang rak 2U yang tipis, namun tetap menyediakan kemampuan yang sering hanya ditemukan di sistem yang lebih besar. Dapatkan kapasitas hingga 3kVA dan cadangan baterai. Lemari baterai eksternal dapat ditambahkan untuk memperpanjang waktu pengoperasian

Liebert GXT4TM UPS adalah sumber daya on-line sejati, yang berarti daya selalu dikondisikan dan disuplai ke perangkat yang terhubung, apa pun kualitas daya yang masuk, hasil keluaran gelombang sinus murni untuk memastikan peralatan terlindungi

Liebert® GXT4 UPS termasuk
– Koreksi faktor daya
– Baterai internal
– Konversi frekuensi
– Bypass otomatis internal untuk melindungi dari kondisi buruk
– Kemampuan bypass manual
– Dukungan hingga enam lemari baterai eksternal

Liebert GXT4TM UPS Fleksibel
Fleksibilitas Fitur Handal dan Total Biaya Rendah:
A. Dua Outlet yang Dapat Diprogram
– Dapat diprogram untuk pelepasan beban dan restart berurutan jika UPS kelebihan beban atau saat waktu cadangan yang dipilih tetap ada

B. Panel Tampilan LCD Intuitif
– Layar LCD berwarna dan panel kontrol berputar 90 untuk menyesuaikan kembali posisi yang sesuai dengan pemasangan UPS baik di menara atau rak.

C. Penginderaan Frekuensi Otomatis
– UPS secara otomatis menyesuaikan dengan frekuensi input, 50Hz atau 60Hz.

D. Fleksibilitas Pemasangan
– Rel rak dan penyangga menara disertakan
E. Komunikasi Cerdas
– DCIM dan BMS siap

UPS Liebert GXT4 berisi baterai internal dan mendukung hingga enam lemari baterai eksternal opsional yang tebalnya hanya 2U untuk mencapai waktu pencadangan yang lebih lama tanpa menghabiskan banyak ruang rak.

Ketersediaan Tinggi
– Peringatan Dini Lanjut Status Sistem UPS
Beberapa alarm terdengar dan visual segera mengingatkan Anda untuk masalah kritis.
– 3-11 menit Waktu Cadangan Baterai pada beban penuh
Menyediakan waktu yang cukup untuk shutdown yang teratur. Lemari baterai eksternal pencocokan opsional menawarkan waktu cadangan tambahan.
– Pengujian Baterai Berkala
Menyediakan pengujian baterai diagnostik mandiri otomatis dan manual untuk ketenangan pikiran untuk menunjukkan apakah baterai sehat
– Baterai Hot Swappable yang Dapat Diganti
Mudah untuk mengganti baterai untuk melindungi investasi Anda dengan memperpanjang umur produk.
– Koreksi Faktor Daya
Mencegah gangguan, harmonik, dan distorsi agar tidak diteruskan ke beban yang terhubung atau diumpankan kembali ke utilitas.
– Pengisian Baterai Cerdas
Termasuk teknik pengisian tiga tahap yang efisien dan perlindungan pemakaian komprehensif yang memperpanjang masa pakai baterai
– Pemutus Sirkuit Masukan
Memberikan peningkatan perlindungan untuk memudahkan pemulihan dari kelebihan beban
– Perlindungan Petir dan Lonjakan
Sirkuit penekan lonjakan tegangan transien (TVSS) di dalam UPS Liebert GXT4 memberikan perlindungan tambahan untuk peralatan yang terhubung

Total Biaya Kepemilikan Rendah
Daya Keluaran Tinggi
UPS Liebert GXT4 menilai faktor daya keluaran hingga 0,9 lebih cocok dengan catu daya mode sakelar yang digunakan dalam peralatan TI saat ini, memberikan pemanfaatan UPS yang lebih efisien

Mode ECO Aktif
Peralatan yang terhubung dapat diberi daya melalui bypass saat inverter tetap diam, mengurangi konsumsi listrik saat
meningkatkan efisiensi hingga 97% tanpa kompromi

Jendela Tegangan Input Lebar
Memperpanjang masa pakai baterai dengan memungkinkan UPS memaksimalkan penggunaan daya utilitas sebelum mentransfer ke baterai saat tegangan input melebihi batas yang ditentukan.

Operasi Kipas Cerdas
Secara otomatis mengubah rotasi


Liebert GXT4 On-Line 3000VA 230V LCD PF0.9 2U Extended Run Rack/Tower Multilink® Software, Rail Kit Bundled

GXT4 UPS 700VA – 3kVA
Intelligent, Reliable UPS Protection

Liebert® GXT4 is a true on-line UPS that delivers continuous, high-quality AC power to connected equipment with no interruption when transferring to battery. It protects equipment from virtually all power disturbances due to blackouts, brownouts, sags, surges or noise interference.

For robust UPS protection up to 3kVA, the Liebert GXT4 UPS provides industry leading features in a compact design:
– On-line design means zero transfer time. When utility power fails, your critical load remains supported by a seamless flow of power
– Active Eco Mode deliver best in class efficiency up to 97% without compromising availability.
– Controllable power to multiple devices via two independently programmable pairs of outlets.
– ENERGY® STAR Certified rating.
– Intuitive color LCD interface
– User replaceable, hot-swappable batteries.
– Arrays of value added accessories bundled with standard unit

Bringing our Enterprise Level IT Expertise to your SMB
Vertiv offers a full range of power protections solutions suitable for every requirement or scenario. From desktop computing, network equipment, computer rooms to large scale data centers. we make sure you get the same level of protection the Fortune 500 companies enjoy with Vertiv. It is our way of Bringing Enterprise Level IT expertise to your SMB.
A. Desktop
– Liebert PSP
– Liebert PSA

B. Network/ Computer Room
– Liebert PSI
– Liebert GXT4
– Liebert ITA

C. Data Center
– Liebert ITA
– Liebert NX
– Liebert APM

The Liebert® GXT4 UPS may require just a slim 2U of rack space, still it provides the capabilities often found only in larger systems. Get up to 3kVA of capacity and battery backup. External battery cabinets may be added for extended run time

Liebert GXT4TM UPS is a true on-line power source, which means power is always conditioned and supplied to the connected devices, whatever the quality of power coming in, a pure sinewave output results to ensure equipment is protected

Liebert® GXT4 UPS includes
– Power factor correction
– Internal batteries
– Frequency conversion
– Internal automatic bypass to protect against adverse conditions
– Manual bypass capability
– Support for up to six external battery cabinets

Liebert GXT4TM UPS Flexible
Reliable and Low Total Cost Features Flexibility:
A. Two Programmable Outlets
– Can be programmed for load shedding and sequential restart if the UPS is in overload or when selected backup time remains

B. Intuitive LCD Display Panel
– The colored LCD display and control panel rotates 90 to re-adjust position matching the UPS mount either on tower or rack.

C. Automatic Frequency Sensing
– The UPS automatically adjusts to the input frequency, 50Hz or 60Hz.

D. Mounting Flexibility
– Rack rails and tower supports included
E. Intelligent Communications
– DCIM and BMS ready

The Liebert GXT4 UPS contains internal batteries and supports up to six optional external battery cabinets that is only 2U thick to achieve longer backup times without taking up so much rack space.

High Availability
– Advance Early Warning of UPS System Status
Multiple audible and visual alarms immediately alert you to critical issues.
– 3-11 minutes of Battery Backup Time at Full load
Provides ample time for an orderly shutdown. Optional matching external battery cabinets offer additional backup time.
– Periodic Battery Testing
Provides automatic and manual self-diagnostic battery testing for peace of mind to indicate if the battery is healthy
– Replaceable Hot Swappable Batteries
Easy to replace batteries to protect your investment by extending the product life.
– Power-Factor Correction
Prevents nosie, harmonics and distortion from being passed on to connected loads or from being fed back to the utility.
– Intelligent Battery Charging
Includes efficient three-stage charging technique and comprehensive discharging protection that extend battery life
– Input Circuit Breaker
Provides increased protection to ease recovery from overloads
– Lightning and Surge Protection
The transient voltage surge suppression (TVSS) circuitry inside Liebert GXT4 UPS provides additional protection for the connected equipment

Low total Cost Of Ownership
High Output Power
Liebert GXT4 UPS rated output power factor up to 0.9 better matches switch-mode power supplies used in today’s IT equipment, providing more efficient utilization of the UPS

Active ECO Mode
Connected equipment can be powered though the bypass while the inverter remains idle, reducing electricity consumption while
raising efficiency up to 97% without compromise

Wide Input Voltage Window
Prolongs battery life by allowing the UPS to maximize the use of utility power before transferring to battery when input voltage exceeds specified limits.

Intelligent Fan Operation
Automatically changes rotation speed depending on system requirements to decrease power consumption and Noise

Arrays of accessories with standard model
Extended amount of accessories bundled with standard model saves capital expenses . such as Rail kit , IS-webcard etc.

Multiple Choices For Communication, Shutdown And Reporting
SNMP And Web-Based Communication Options
Liebert IntelliSlot Web Card provides SNMP (including SNMPv3) and IPv.6 and web-based management to your Liebert GXT4 UPS. Provides ability to monitor and control your UPS from your network management
system or any PC running Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Operation can be monitored using
– Liebert IntelliSlot Web card with suppots SNMP (including SNMPv3) and IPv.6, and webbased management of your UPS
– TM Liebert Nform monitoring Software
– Libert Universal Monitor and Remote Power Monitor Panels
– Libert SiteScan
– TM Trellis Platform
– Third-Party Monitoring Systems
– Built-in contact closure signals.
– Provides dry contact communications to remotely monitor the UPS operating modes.

Micro POD for enhanced availability
When your computer system can’t be without power, even for scheduled UPS maintenance, the Liebert MicroPOD Maintenance Bypass and Output Distribution Unit ensures continuous uptime. It allows you to manually transfer connected equipment to utility power via a maintenance bypass switch, permitting scheduled service or UPS replacement without the need to shut down connected equipment.

Our Extended Service packages offer you complete peace of mind
While today’s smaller, rackbased UPS system offer relatively trouble-free operation, the growing criticality of the systems they support has increased the cost of downtime. As a result, the need to maintain these smaller UPS systems has become increasingly important.

Extended Warranty
Choose additional of 1-yr or 2- yr warranty on top of the 2-yr standard warranty for worryfree maintenance and total peace of mind.

On-site system startup by a certified Vertiv customer engineer ensures that the equipment is up and running at an optimum performance

Preventive maintenance
One or Two year by an Vertiv customer engineer for visits per higher reliability and availability

On-site service
Should you experience a problem, a certified Vertiv customer engineer will be dispatched to repair or replace your equipment. Response is

Specifications GXT4-3000RT230

Input AC
– Voltage Range (typical) : 230VAC nominal; variable based on output load
– Frequency Range : 40Hz ~ 70Hz; Auto Sensing
– Input Power Receptacle : C20

Mechanical Parameters
– Dimensions : 602 x 430 x 85
– H x W x D mm (in) : (23.7 x 16.9 x 3.3)
– Weight:kg (lb) : 32.4 (71.4)

Output AC
– Voltage : 200/208/220/230/240VAC (user configurable); ±3%
– Frequency : 50Hz or 60Hz
– Waveform : Pure Sinewave
– Mains (AC) Mode Overload : The inverter shall be capable of supplying current and voltage for overloads exceeding 100%, and 105-130% for 1 minute, 131-150% 10 seconds, 151-200% for 1 seconds, and up to >200% for 5 cycles of full load current.
– Charger Current, Amperes : 2.5
– Output Receptacles : C13 x 6; C19 x 1

Environment Parameters
– Operating Temp : 0°C to +40°C (+32°F to 104°F)
– Storage Temp : -15°C to +50°C (5°F to 122°F)
– Operating Elevation : Up to 3000m (10,000 ft.) at 25°C (77°F) without derating
– Audible Nosie : < 48 dBA at 1 meter(3.2ft) from the rear; < 48dBA, at 1 meter (3.2 ft) rear

– Type : Valve-regulated, nonspillable, lead acid
– Qty x V x Rating : 6 x 12 x 9.0Ah
– Recharge Time : 3 hours

Safety : IEC/EN/AS 62040-1:2008, GS MARK; UL 1778 Listed
RFI/EMI : IEC/EN/AS 62040-2 2nd Ed. ( Category C2) = CISPR22 Class A
Surge Immunity : IEC/EN 62040-2 2nd Ed ( IEC/EN 61000-4-5)

Important Keys :
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